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                        QSL info

QSL's are: LOTW(preferred), direct (sase appreciated) or via the bureau. In April 2010, I u/l about 6500 QSO's from logs dating 1999-2005. As of April 27, 2010, ALL contest logs dating from 1999 to present have been uploaded to LOTW. Future contest logs will be added as logs are sent to contest sponsor.

I have some VHF/UHF logs and a few HF contest logs dated between 1992 and 1999, that have to re-formatted for t-QSL to be able to read and sign them. Will work on that as time permits, and hopefully, will soon have ALL my logs in LOTW. Tnx for patience.

QSL info is:



172 Duff Road Ext.

Monroe, LA  71203